Hi, my name is David Ramanauskas, author of the book - Evidence for God: Prophecies, Miracles and the Power of God.
Some forty years ago when I began my search for God and for the evidence for God. I began my search with a visit to my local Spiritualist Church. For some 18 months I attended a meeting by someone sharing the Spiritualist understanding of God and the spirit world. I also borrowed and read almost every book in their library. I attended a few different spiritualist churches on a Sunday morning, and a meeting for psychic development. During this time I also studied the different religions including Christian Science, Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Theosophy.
By the end of the 18 months I was convinced there was life after death and just as there was good and evil on Earth, there was good and evil in the spirit world.
But then I was prompted to read the Christian Holy Bible, beginning with the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, followed by the Acts of The Apostles and the rest of the New Testament.
Up to this point, I believed in God, but I felt that God was so mighty, so powerful and awesome. God seemed to be a billion miles away from me, and had no interest in me as I was as insignificant to God as a hair on the leg of an ant!
But when I read of Jesus Christ and how Jesus died on the cross for me, so that I could enjoy eternal life in heaven. I was amazed to discover that God loved and cared about me, little insignificant me!
So I read through all the new Testament and then the Old Testament of the Bible, and then I felt so grateful to God. I felt that if there was one person in the history of the world who was worth following, it was this Jesus Christ.
As a result, I said my goodbyes to my friends at the Spiritualist churches and attended a Church of England Church.
The reason I left spiritualism and everything connected to it – mediums, spiritualists, psychics, tarot reading, palm reading, crystal balls etc. It was because all of these things were supposed to give you messages from spirit guides, guarding angels, family and friends who had died and entered the spirit world, mediums, and psychics. But yet none of these ever told you about the single most important message they could give you – to ensure that when you die you don’t end up in the eternal lake of fire which is the second death. But that you would know for sure you have eternal life and God would accept you into his kingdom of heaven.
In fact, not only do they not tell you about this, but they will tell you everything and anything to prevent you from gaining eternal life through Jesus Christ.
Also, the fact they don’t tell you these things proves that either they don’t know about the evidence for God, and the evidence that proves there is only one way to God and for eternal life in heaven and that is through Jesus Christ. Or they do know, and yet deliberately are working to prevent you to receive your inheritance as a disciple of Christ, as a child of God in heaven.
Do you have a guarding angel? Do they communicate with you? Have they told you the most important thing in your life is not wealth, fame, or even good health. No, the most important thing in your life, is that your name is written in the Book of Life in heaven.
I would urge you to read my book – Evidence for God: Prophecies, Miracles and the Power of God. You can read it for FREE. Because as well as being a 300-page paperback book, I have also made the same 300-page book available as an eBook and a FREE DOWNLOAD from my website at www.EvidenceForGod.co.uk
Everything I have shared with you here can be backed up by the evidence for God that you can read and prove for yourself.
So, read it today and begin your eternal destiny in a Holy Communion and Holy Communication with God through Jesus Christ our Lord.