Hi, my name is David Ramanauskas, author of the book - Evidence for God. A book that reveals the evidence for God through the Prophecies, Power and Presence of God. And I would like to share with you how God healed me twice, and the second time God healed me, he healed me of Pancreatic Cancer.
On Pentecost Sunday 1999 at a service of praise and thanksgiving for the Holy Spirit of God. I had a supernatural encounter with voices of angels and the voice of God, which I have shared in my book - Evidence for God.
Since that time God has spoken to me directly, through his angels, through other Christians, through my dreams and visions, and of course through the scriptures of the Holy Bible and through worship.
I have also been part of two healing ministry teams, and while praying with others as a prayer team (which is the way I prefer for healing), I have witnessed many miracle healings of God.
But a few years ago I developed serious back pain that was so severe the doctors couldn't give me anything to relieve the pain. I prayed my best prayers, but no relief from pain, it just got worse.
I was in constant severe pain and over a period of a few weeks I couldn't believe how it was possible for anyone to live with this constant level and intensity of pain. I felt so low, and I realised I was so bad and so disabled that even if I wanted to, I couldn't go out and buy a ton of painkiller tablets to end my life.
So I called out to God that either He healed me or took me home ( I felt easy either way!).
But then two of the ladies from our prayer team called to see me and prayed for me. I didn't notice any change at first, but four hours later, while watching TV, I realised I had been pain-free for the past two hours - Praise the Lord.
Then, two years later I felt I was having a gastro problem and phoned the doctor for some tablets. He gave me a prescription and said for me to contact him if my symptoms changed. Two days later I phoned him again as I had jaundice and he got me in for tests.
Then, two days before Christmas my doctor and specialist at the hospital told me I had pancreatic cancer – it was like being given a Christmas card from the Grim Reaper! I was jaundiced, my face and eyes were yellow, I looked like death, I felt like death and three times a day I would shake uncontrollably for twenty minutes at a time.
The specialist said he was arranging for me to have more blood tests and a couple of scans and a phone appointment with the surgeon.
However, there is a God in heaven, and I asked God – am I going to die?
Now, usually I would have expected an immediate answer to my question, but it wasn’t until 4am the next morning that God woke me and told me -
I healed you before and I will heal you again. And I remembered that God had healed me when I was in such pain I felt suicidal. So, having being miraculously healed once by God. When God told me He was going to heal me again, I was confident of being healed by God again.
Also, when God said - I healed you before and will heal you again. This was a prophecy, a promise of God. And just as all the prophecies and promises of God have been fulfilled in the Holy Bible. I knew for sure this prophecy of God would also be fulfilled.
God also told me that Now was the time to begin my ministry.
So, now I knew for sure that not only was I going to survive, but God had a job for me to do.
Each day, my wife Rosemary would ask me two or three times a day – Was I all right? I answered the same every time – God told me He would heal me, and so I know God will heal me.
My wife thought I was deluded! And she was having conversations with her daughter in Ireland, saying that she was looking after me, but after my funeral, she was selling the house and moving back to Ireland.
Most of the time I looked like death, felt like death, and the shakes were telling me I was close to death. But I kept repeating the word of God - I shall not die, but live and declare the works of the Lord.
However as I watched TV to try and take my mind off my medical challenges, almost every other advert on TV was - Did you know 1 in 2 people die of Cancer? or Have you made your funeral arrangements yet? Call this number......... I would shout at the TV and make some very unchristian comments!
This was just Satan trying to get to me, and he would goad by by saying - You're not going to live, you're going to die. Just look at you, you are a total wreck and haven't long to live now. Don't bother watching any TV series, you won't be around long enough to see how it ends. I would respond with one of my unchristian comments again.
I also knew Satan would be getting at my wife Rosemary and saying the same terrible things to her, as she watched her husband's health rapidly decline. So, most of my prayers were for her, because she had already lost her best friend to pancreatic cancer, and found it difficult to believe I would survive such a thing as pancreatic cancer.
Friends and family who visited me, I could tell by their faces they thought I was going to die – but I told them what God had told me – That he had healed me before and he would heal me again.
During my prayer time with God. I asked God to show me the scriptures to support me through this time of illness, and to show me what my new ministry would be.
The one that stood out was from Psalm 118:17 –
I shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord.
I recited that scripture hundreds of times over the following days, weeks and months.
And I knew that my new ministry would be in evangelism – telling people about the works – the wonderful works of the Lord.
So I had another chat with God. I said that I knew God was going to heal me and that my ministry would be in evangelism. But I didn’t want to tell people that God healed me through the skill of the surgeon. I wanted my testimony to be, that God said He would heal me – and He did.
So I was praying for healing, praying to feel well again and for the jaundice to go away, and that the results of my scans would be that I didn’t have cancer.
About a week later, I very slowly began to feel a little better each day, and then after another week I had the scans.
Then a few days later the surgeon phoned me and asked me how I was. I told him that I felt much better, but was not 100%. He then said, I have seen your scans and they are clear – you don’t have cancer!
I asked him, what happened? He said I don't know, I'm only the surgeon. and I replied, yes, and I'm very sorry to disappoint you on this occasion, and we (the surgeon, my wife and I), all had a good laugh.
Then Rosemary and I went for a celebration meal.
As I reflected on the wonderful work that God had done by healing me of cancer, I felt as though I was like Lazarus who God had been dead three days and who Jesus Christ had called back to life and to come out of the tomb. And I imagined what it must have been like for Lazarus, in total darkness, and then to be called by name out of the darkness and into the beautiful and radiant light of Christ. I was elated!
Then I went to visit my friends with the great news, and they were not only surprised to see me still alive, but looking so well. They knew God had healed me.
A few weeks later the specialist phoned me, and then my doctor phoned me. They were both surprised at my recovery and told me they would check my blood in 3 and six months just to make sure I was still ok.
So, the doctors diagnosed me with pancreatic cancer, and everyone thought I was going to die.
But in all the time I was ill, I didn’t receive any medicine or treatment, and I didn’t need surgery.
God told me He would heal me and He did – Praise the Lord.
And within a couple of months I had returned to full health and was able to do physical work as well as I had in the past.
Sometimes when I share how God healed me of pancreatic cancer, some atheists say, well, I guess the doctors misdiagnosed your condition. Well, that might be a natural reaction from someone who is hostile to the Lord God of all creation. But when you consider the evidence for God, the evidence of the prophecies of God. And when you consider all the miracles of healing that happen all over the world today, in Jesus name. And when you consider the reality that God speaks, God communicates today, just as God has done for the past 2,000 years through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Then when you consider all the evidence, that when God made that prophecy, that promise God would heal me. It is not surprising at all God did heal me.
This is the reason I could be so confident that God would heal me, is that I have had twenty years of experience of God communicating with me through my dreams, visions, angels, through other Christians, and of course through the scriptures of the Holy Bible.
I have also witnessed many miracles of healing and been healed through prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. I also studied the prophecies of God and the evidence for God, and I knew that I could always depend on the prophecies and promises of God.
But why did God heal me, when I know so many people die from pancreatic cancer?
Well, I can tell you, the ONLY reason God gave me a few more years here on Earth, was so that I would tell as many people as I can about the prophecies, the power, the presence and the love of God.
God didn't heal me just because He loves me. God healed me because God loves YOU (who are reading this), and God wants you to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. God wants you to enjoy your life here on earth in communion with God and have the assurance you will go to heaven when you die.
And this was the reason I wrote the book - Evidence for God, so that I could share with you the evidence for God, and my experiences of the prophecies, power and presence of God. So that you also could experience the power, presence, love, joy and peace of God in your own life.
The best decision I have ever made in my life was to become a Christian and become a disciple of Christ, and I am sure if you put your faith in God through Jesus Christ, you will also come to say the same about your own life.
Yours in Christ
David Ramanauskas