So, you think you are good enough for heaven. The Bible tells us that to offend God or break the law of God is a sin. I’m sure you have heard the word sin before. God has a moral code by which He judges everyone, and that moral code is called the law of God, the Ten Commandments of God.
The First Commandment is, ‘You shall have no other gods before Me.’ What this means is as well as not bowing down and worshipping anything as though it was a god. It also means nothing should be more important in your life than the Lord God of all creation.
Have you ever failed to make God the most important person in your life? The answer is of course, yes, you have broken that commandment every day of your life.
The Second Commandment is, ‘You shall not make for yourself a carved image.’ This is like the First Commandment, and it means do not make or create something you would bow down and worship as a god or serve them. If you do this, then you are committing a sin against God. God finds it offensive that anyone could worship anything or anyone other than the Lord God of all creation.
The Third Commandment is, ‘You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.’ Have you ever made jokes about God, or spoken about God without respect? Have you ever used the name of Jesus Christ as a swear word, or to express your anger, hatred or disgust? Then you broke another law, you have sinned against God.
The Fourth Commandment is, ‘Remember the Sabbath Day, keep it Holy’. As Christians, we keep Sunday special for God. We go to church to worship God, to give God thanks and praise. To be with our church family to enjoy our time together, and to pray for one another. To encourage and comfort one another. By going to church every week we are demonstrating our gratitude to God for all He has done for us. Have you ever failed to keep one day special for God to show Him your gratitude? I guess the answer is No!
The Fifth Commandment is, ‘Honour your father and mother’. Have you ever been disrespectful to your parents? Then God considers that a sin.
The Sixth Commandment is, ‘You shall not commit murder’. Hopefully you have never murdered anyone. But Jesus taught the it was a sin to be really angry with someone without cause.
The Seventh Commandment is, ‘You shall not commit adultery’. Jesus Christ said that whoever looks at a woman (or man) to lust for them has already committed adultery with them in their heart. If you have ever lusted after someone you were not married to, then you are guilty of sinning against God.
The Eighth Commandment is, ‘You shall not steal’. Have you ever stolen anything that didn’t belong to you? Even if the value of the item was insignificant. Then you have broken this law and sinned against God.
The Ninth Commandment is, ‘You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour’. Telling lies is bad, we shouldn’t do it.
The Tenth Commandment is, ‘You shall not covet (anything that is your neighbours)’. This means to wish for greatly or be filled with envy. A feeling which can lead you into temptation to do something bad and sin against God.
Most people when they think of the Ten Commandments of God allow themselves to think that they are not that bad. They haven't broken too many commandments too often, and if they haven’t killed anyone in a fit of rage, then they think God will overlook their other sins.
Someone asked Jesus what was the Greatest Commandment of God. Jesus replied, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength and to love your neighbour as yourself” That’s from Matthew 22:37-40.
Have you ever, even for just one day failed to love God like that?
Just multiply your age by 365 days of the year. If you are age 30, that’s 10,950. If you add that to all the other sins against God you have committed when you broke god’s moral law of the Ten Commandments. Then do you really think God will let you into His Kingdom of Heaven when you die?
Well, when you put it like that it does seem a heck of a lot of sins against God, but everyone must have broken the Ten Commandments. If God applies his law like that to everyone, then no one would ever be good enough for heaven.
That is correct. That is why the Bible says: All have sinned against God and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23.
Also: Whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles on just one point of law is guilty of breaking the whole law. James 2:10.