The photo on the left is of my Christian Holy Bibles and you can see which one I use the most. It's the one at the top and is the most worn! Yet since I bought it 25 years ago I kept it in a zip-up Bible cover. It's called the Spirit Filled Life Bible, New King James Version, by Nelson Publishers. This is the Bible that has been of most value to me during my theological studies and in preparing sermons over the years.
Next down is a Good News Bible. It was printed using simple, easy-to-understand English. So whenever I might find a difficult passage of scripture, I take a look at the Good News Bible to see if they have given an easy-to-understand interpretation.
Next down is the Amplified Bible, and this one may take a passage of scripture and add words to make the meaning more clear for the reader. Again, I have found this useful to refer to at times to give clarity to the meaning of a passage of scripture.
The next Bible is called the Prophecy Bible. and as you look through the pages it has many prophecies of God highlighted in different colours. It is a useful bible for those interested in Biblical Prophecy.
The one at the bottom of the stack of Bibles is called The Evidence Study Bible, and the one I refer to for obvious reasons - as the reason I live is to help people come to faith in God through Jesus Christ, and provide evidence for God. It is the one I use first thing in the morning for my daily reading of scripture.
But, Holy Bibles are not cheap, particularly the leather-bound Bibles. For someone new to the Christian faith it is tempting to go online and buy a Bible. Then, after a while wish they had bought a different Bible. So, it is best to borrow a Bible from your church, and take a look at what other Christians are reading. Then later buy one that you want to use - for the rest of your life! These leather-bound bibles last longer than we do!